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From Beginner to Pro: Tips and Tricks for Dominating Ludo King


Ludo King, the digital adaptation of the classic board game Ludo, has taken the gaming world by storm. With its easy-to-learn rules and engaging gameplay, Ludo King has become a favorite pastime for players of all ages. In this blog, we’ll explore the ins and outs of Ludo King and provide you with valuable tips and tricks to up your game and become a Ludo King pro. Additionally, we’ll show you how to play Ludo online multiplayer with friends through the popular platform, PtmWin.

Get Familiar with Ludo King’s Rules

If you’re new to Ludo King, the first step to becoming a pro is understanding the game’s basic rules. Ludo King is played on a cross-shaped board with four colored tokens for each player. The objective is to move all your tokens from the starting area to the center of the board, called the home area. The movement is determined by the roll of a dice, and the first player to get all their tokens to the home area wins.

Master Your Strategy

Ludo King is more than just a game of chance; it requires strategic thinking and planning. One essential strategy is to prioritize getting your tokens out of the starting area quickly. This way, you have more opportunities to move them around the board.

Another crucial tactic is to target your opponents’ tokens strategically. Blocking their progress and sending them back to the starting area can give you a significant advantage. However, be cautious, as they might retaliate if given the chance!

Utilize Power-ups Wisely

In Ludo King, you can use various power-ups to enhance your gameplay. These power-ups, such as rolling a double dice or earning an extra turn, can be game-changers. Use them strategically and don’t waste them on situations where they won’t have a significant impact.

Practice Regularly

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. The more you play Ludo King, the better you’ll understand the game mechanics and develop your strategies. Take advantage of the offline mode to practice against AI opponents before challenging real players online.

Play Ludo King Online Multiplayer on PtmWin

PtmWin is a popular gaming platform that allows you to play Ludo King online with friends and other players from around the world. Here’s how to get started:

a. Create an account on PtmWin and log in. 

b. Navigate to the Ludo King game in the multiplayer section. 

c. Choose the number of players (2 to 4) and invite your friends to join the game. 

d. Once all players are ready, start the game and show off your Ludo skills.

Communication is Key

When play ludo online with friends, communication is crucial. Use in-game chat or voice chat features to discuss strategies or simply enjoy some friendly banter during the game.


With these tips and tricks, you’re well on your way to dominating Ludo King and impressing your friends with your skills. Remember to understand the game rules, develop a solid strategy, and make the most of power-ups. Play Ludo online multiplayer on PtmWin adds a new dimension to the game, allowing you to challenge friends and meet new opponents. So, gather your friends, log in to PtmWin, and let the Ludo King battles begin! May the dice roll in your favor!

Read Also: Discover the most exciting online games on Ptmwin!

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